Max Keiser talks to Chris Fenton, author of ‘Feeding the Dragon,’ about why the United States is falling so far behind China in high tech, and whether or not it could ever compete against an economy like China’s.
“They play a long game,” Fenton says: “They play a twenty-five, fifty, hundred-year game of chess while we play checkers all day long on share price fluctuations on a day-to-day basis, quarterly results, two to four election cycles, etc.”
This, he explains, creates a “real problem” for the US to invest in infrastructure, and in R&D, while China is “doing that great.”
Fenton points out that in 1993 Beijing said the nation was not going to participate in the US GPS system, and that it was going to create its own. “And, guess what? They have.” In 1997, China refused to participate in a World Wide Web because they wanted to create their own.
“They are doing the same with 5G and 6G, and they are going to do it with microchips on their 2025 Vision. We are getting left behind,” Fenton says.
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